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Sandy High School

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Agriculture Program (CTE)

Agriculture Program

Does a career in Agriculture interest you?

Modern agriculture extends well beyond the traditional food & plant production and raising livestock.


Some of the career opportunities and estimated annual salaries*:

Animal Geneticist: $80,000 Animal Nutritionist: $65,000 Biosecurity Scientist: $55,000 Food Science Technician: $64,000 Forest Engineer: $70,000

Meat and Poultry Supervisor Specialist: $94,000 Veterinary Assistant: $30,864

Veterinarian: $83,000

*based on 2019 estimates from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics

Check out these Agriculture classes:

CTE Agriculture
Name Credit Entry Level Length Prerequisite College Credit Fee
Vet Science – Small Animal 0.5 9 Semester (Fall) No No No
Vet Science – Topcis 0.5 9 Semester (Spring) No No No
Vet Science – Large Animal 1.0 9 Year No Yes No
Horses and Horsemanship 1.0 9 Year No Yes No
Greenhouse Management 0.5 9 Semester (Spring) No No Yes
Ag Leadership 1.0 9 Year FFA Membership and instructor approval No No
Natural Resources 1 0.5 9 Semester (Fall) No No No
Natural Resources 2 0.5 9 Semester (Spring) No No No
Food Science: Food & You 0.5 9 Semester  No No No
Food Science: Kitchen Chemistry 0.5 10 Semester No No No


Agriculture Classes


Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester (Fall)

General Animal Knowledge related to pets will be discussed throughout the semester. Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Reptiles, Fish, and Birds will be discussed in length.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester (Spring)

Veterinary Science covers the behavior, intelligence, anatomy, diseases, and parasites. This class qualifies for elective science credit. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Year

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

The study of beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, and swine and their industries will be covered. Students may earn dual credit in this course. This class qualifies for elective science credit. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Year

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

Horses and all things related to them will be discussed in this semester course. The form and function of the animal, training techniques, and industry standards will be covered. Careers in equine facility ownership/management will be discussed in detail. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester (Spring)

This is a hands-on class where students will be involved in growing, managing, marketing, and selling of greenhouse crops such as common house-plants, annuals, perennials, and vegetable plants. Students will learn fundamental skills relating to occupations such as greenhouse operators, garden store managers and plant propagators. The outdoor portion will depend on the weather in the spring. This class qualifies for elective science credit.



Entry Level: 9 Length: Year

Prerequisite: FFA Membership and Instructor Approval Required

This class is designed for students who are active members of the Sandy FFA. The basis of this class is surrounding FFA Career Development and Leadership Events. Students will work independently, with frequent instruction and consultation with the instructor, to prepare for competitive and project based events. Participation in FFA Leadership events throughout the year is required. Student participation outside of class time will be necessary to fulfill the outcomes of this class.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester

Students will be introduced to common foods, their production process and the chemistry behind food and cooking. The first semester will cover food insecurity in the United States and other countries, food processing and diet misconceptions. Topics to be covered will be dairy products, meat, poultry & eggs, grains, organic, natural, free range, genetic modification and food marketing. This class qualifies for elective science credit.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

The second semester will focus on the basic chemistry of food. Topics covered include detecting and identifying flavors, chemistry basics, macromolecules, and microbes. Students will also have the opportunity to research a topic of their choosing that relates to kitchen chemistry. Through this class students will draw connections between what they experience when they cook at home, and the science they learn in school. This class qualifies for elective science credit.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester or Year

In this two-semester course students will learn the importance of balancing economic, recreational, and environmental values of Oregon’s natural resources. First semester curriculum focuses on fisheries and wildlife values, including areas of wildlife ecology and habitats; Oregon’s wildlife; population estimation; endangered, threatened and sensitive species management; wildlife monitoring and assessment techniques, and fisheries biology and management. The second semester will focus on forestry management, including tree biology, identification, and measurement techniques; forest mapping; watershed management; forest products; forest harvest practices; forest health and wildfire management. Final project: creating a forest management plan. This class qualifies for elective science credit.