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Sandy High School

Children Thrive Here

PE/Health Program

One (1) credit required for graduation:

Name Credit Entry Level Length Prerequisite College Credit Fee
PE 1 0.5 9 Semester No No No
Strength and Conditioning 0.5 10 Semester PE 1 No No
Group Fitness 0.5 10 Semester PE 1 No No
Team Sports 0.5 10 Semester PE 1 No No
Lifetime Fitness 0.5 10 Semester PE 1 No No
Injury Prevention for Sports 0.5 11 Semester

PE 1 and First Aid

Encouraged: Sports Medicine 1

No No
Health 1 0.5 9 Semester No No No
Health 2 0.5 11 Semester Health 1 No No

PE/Health Classes

PE 1

Entry Level: 9-1

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: None

This course will give students a wide range of experiences, from recreational activities to personal fitness and wellbeing. Students will become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts for skill-related and health-related physical fitness. At the end of this course students will identify their preferences for future PE electives. This course is a prerequisite for all other PE electives.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1

This course will focus on developing functional strength, explosiveness, endurance and overall athleticism through lifting weights. Students will learn important safety practices for training while participating in a wide variety of exercises using free-weights, medicine balls, dumbbells and machines. Student’s strength and endurance levels will be assessed regularly. Students will be put into a comprehensive strength training program designed to increase their muscular strength and endurance.

Students must have taken PE 1 as a prerequisite for this class.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1

Students will be given the opportunity to experience fitness in a group setting while performing exercises that focus on cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, balance, and agility. This will create a motivating and fun environment while also teaching teamwork and emphasizing technique. During class there will be challenging, high intensity workouts, circuit training, introduction to cycling, yoga and student let workouts and fitness testing. Students must have taken PE 1 as a prerequisite for this class.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1

Using the Sport Education model, students looking for a more competitive environment will participate in a wide-range of team sports (Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, etc.) while learning the value of being a member of a team. Emphasis will be placed on leadership, the importance of each role, and how to organize and self-manage sporting events. Students must have taken PE 1 as a prerequisite for this class.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1

This is a total body fitness course incorporating aerobics, circuit training, yoga, and cardio conditioning. All activities are designed to tone, firm, stretch and strengthen each muscle group. Teaches nutrition and lifestyle habits and how they related to fitness, as well as your personal goal setting.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1 and First Aid

Encouraged: Sports Medicine 1

The best way to guarantee improved sports performance is by staying healthy enough for practices and competitions. Students will learn the approaches taken by elite level athletes and performance coaches to make themselves durable and sustainable athletes. Students will better understand the purpose and benefits of functional movement testing, warm-ups/pre-hab, recovery, nutrition, and sleep. This course will take place partially in a classroom setting, and partially in a lab setting (being physically active in the gym). Students must have taken PE 1 and First Aid as a prerequisite for this class.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester

Format: Online

This course is intended to educate and empower students to make responsible choices regarding their health. Students increase their understanding of positive health habits and behaviors that contribute to personal wellness and health interpersonal relationships. The class will discuss nutrition and fitness, public health issues, abuse, mental disorders, HIV/AIDS, stress management, and prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and drug dependency.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Health 1

A continuation of wellness and critical thinking. An emphasis on healthy lifestyle behaviors and contemporary health issues will relate to their lives as they plan for a future career and family.