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Sandy High School

Children Thrive Here

Middle College

Middle College Information

Middle College is a program where high school students earn college and high school credits on the MHCC campus for free while still in High School. Students attend college classes, full-time on campus alongside other college students.  

There will be an information night on Thursday, March 6th at 5:30pm for students interested in joining next years cohort and their families. The application will be available following the information night. 

Application Process:
Step 1: Apply for General Admission at MHCC – they will email you an ID number within 1-2 business days. MHCC General Admissions Application
Step 2: Complete the following form: MHCC College Placement Test Request Form
Step 3: Take the College Placement Test
Step 4: Complete the MHCC Middle College Application Google Form: Middle College Application Form

If your application is approved then:
Step 5: You will attend one of several orientations in late spring/early summer and join the Middle College Program this fall.

Students need to place into the following classes for Middle College Entry:

  • Reading 115 or higher
  • Writing 115 or higher
  • Math 60 or higher

Questions? Email Lexi Vuylsteke, or call her at 503-668-8011 X7132.