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Sandy High School

Children Thrive Here

Health Sciences Program (CTE)

Health Sciences Program (CTE)

Do you like helping people? Would you like to improve the health of others?

Health Sciences encompasses a broad range of occupations and specializations.


Some of the career opportunities and estimated annual salaries:

Athletic Trainer: $65,630

Behavioral Healthcare Specialist: $48,436

Certified Nursing Assistant: $42,960

Dental Hygienist: $95,360

Medical Assistant: $46,220

Paramedic: $60,930

Physical Therapist: $96,010

Registered Nurse: $106,610

*based on Oregon average as of May, 2022 from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics


CTE – Health Sciences
Name Credit Entry Level Length Prerequisite College Credit Fee
Survey of Health Sciences 0.5 9 Semester None No No
Intro to First Aid 0.5 9 Semester None No No
CC First Aid & Emergency Response 0.5 9 Semester None Yes No
CC Health Careers Exploration 0.5 10 Semester Concurrent enrollment in Health 1 Yes No
CC Medical Terminology 0.5 10 Semester Health Careers Exploration Yes No
Sports Medicine 1 0.5 11 Semester

First Aid

Health Careers/Medical Terminology

Concurrent; Anatomy and Physiology

No No
Sports Medicine 2 0.5 11 Semester Sports Medicine 1 No No
Injury Prevention for Sports 0.5 11 Semester

PE 1 and First Aid

Encouraged: Sports Med 1

No No
CC Anatomy & Physiology 1.0 11 Year Biology and Health 1 Yes Yes
Healthcare Practicum 0.5 12 Semester Health Careers Exploration and Medical Terminology No No
Health Science Industry Experience 0.5 12 Semester Healthcare Practicum No No
Sports Medicine Industry Experience 0.5 12 Semester Sports Medicine 1 & 2 No No
Health Science Independent Study 0.5 12 Semester Completion of Program; teacher approval required No



Health Science Pathways (Suggested)
Pre-Nursing Sports Medicine
Survey Of Health Sciences Survey of Health Sciences
First Aid & Emergency Response First Aid & Emergency Response
Health Careers Exploration Health Careers Exploration
Medical Terminology Medical Terminology
Anatoymy & Physiology Sports Medicine 1
Healthcare Practicum Sports Medicine 2
Health Science Industry Experience Injury Prevention for Sports
  Anatomy & Physiology
  Sports Medicine Industry Experience


Health Sciences Classes


Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester

This course will provide students with a classroom learning environment to prepare for further educational opportunities and careers that are satisfying and rewarding while assisting others in all stages of wellness and disease. “Survey” will open the door for students to experience topics such as Health Care systems, Qualities of a Healthcare worker, Legal Responsibilities, Infection Control, Basic Medical Vocabulary and Basic Anatomy and Physiology. The content provided is designed to help students self-assess their interest in a career in Healthcare. This course teaches and demonstrates the importance of workplace skills. It is encouraged that students practice and demonstrate their understanding through timely attendance and work ethic.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester

This introductory course will teach students how to apply appropriate injury management care for emergency first aid situations. Upon the completion of the course, students will have the opportunity to earn certificates for First Aid and CPR/AED through the American Red Cross. This hands-on class will keep students engaged through a variety of classroom and lab activities.



Entry Level: 9

Length: Semester

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

In this college credit course, students will explore human body systems as they examine the pathologies of emergency health conditions. Students will learn how to apply appropriate injury management care for several emergency first aid situations. Upon the completion of the course, students will have the opportunity to earn certificates for First Aid and CPR/AED through the American Red Cross. In accordance with the expectations of the college, students will be challenged through classroom lectures and a variety of engaging, hands-on lab activities. Students may earn college credit in this course.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Health 1

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

According to US government statistics, health care is the second largest industry in the United States. This industry employs over seven million workers in over two hundred different health careers. This course explores career opportunities in the health professions. The focus will be on educational and licensing requirements, professional and ethical responsibilities, physical requirements, workplace environments and career pathways of each profession. Punctual and consistent attendance is required as a workplace skill and may affect grades and recommendation. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 10

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Health Careers Exploration

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

This course is for the student majoring in or interested in a health-related field. Medical language, to include medical terminology, medical abbreviations and medical procedures, is covered. This course prepares the student to read, understand and utilize medical language in clinical settings. Punctual and consistent attendance is required as a workplace skill and may affect grades and recommendation. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: First Aid, Heath Careers/Medical Terminology, Concurrent: Anatomy and Physiology

This course provides a general overview of various sports medicine disciplines and examines the role each plays in the physically active community. Students will learn basic human anatomy and physiology, training and conditioning techniques, taping and bracing for athletic injuries, and basic health care organization and administration. This course will help prepare students for further education in healthcare.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Sports Medicine 1

This advanced course is intended for students who are interested in healthcare careers such as Physical Therapy, Athletic Training and Occupational Therapy. Students in Sports Medicine 2 will acquire the necessary skills to prevent, evaluate, treat, and rehabilitate acute and chronic injuries and illnesses. This hands-on class will focus heavily on critical thinking, problem solving and applying learned therapy techniques.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: PE 1 and First Aid Encouraged: Sports Medicine 1

The best way to guarantee improved sports performance is by staying healthy enough for practices and competitions. Students will learn the approaches taken by elite level athletes and performance coaches to make themselves durable and sustainable athletes. Students will better understand the purpose and benefits of functional movement testing, warm-ups/pre-hab, recovery, nutrition, and sleep. This course will take place partially in a classroom setting, and partially in a lab setting (being physically active in the gym). Students must have taken PE 1 and First Aid as a prerequisite for this class.



Entry Level: 11

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Biology and Health 1

*Students in this course may be eligible to register for college credit

Anatomy and Physiology is for students who are interested in the Human body and or a goal of pursuing a medical profession. Accurate information about the structure and function of the human body will be learned and applied in both classroom and lab settings. This course is challenging and demands a strong work ethic and study skills. Use of class time is essential to the flexibility of course. Punctual and consistent attendance is required. *This course can be applied to the Honors Diploma.



Entry Level: 12

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Health Careers Exploration and Medical Terminology

This course will explore healthcare systems, professionalism, communication and job-seeking skills. Content is driven by hands-on experiences that will elevate background knowledge and ability to perform well when attending college courses for certification. Students will be evaluated by written assessment and demonstration of skills learned in a “practical” setting. Strong work ethic and punctual/consistent attendance are critical components to a successful learning experience and recommendation for future programs. May be taken the same year as Anatomy & Physiology. This course is a prerequisite for Health Science Industry Experience.



Entry Level: 12

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Healthcare Practicum

This course will provide students with the opportunity to earn credit while gaining work experience in the healthcare industry. Students must apply and be accepted into this course as it provides the opportunity to observe/shadow/intern with medical professionals in a real world setting. Professional learning experiences will take place in coordination with local health based facilities. Goals are set cooperatively by the student and instructor. Students will also learn interview skills, build a professional Health Science portfolio and construct a professional résumé. Students will need to have their own transportation.

Students will be required to complete service hours outside of the typical school day.



Entry Level: 12

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Sports Medicine 1/2

This course will provide students with the opportunity to earn credit while gaining work experience in the sports medicine field. Students will prepare resumes and interview to gain a placement with a team or facility. Students will be required to complete service hours outside of the typical school day. Teacher approval required.



Entry Level: 12

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Program completion

This course will provide students with the opportunity to complete independently designed projects or curriculum. Instructor and student will review students past coursework and goals to determine focus for this course. Teacher approval required.